Hi everyone... One of the problems we see with surfacing operations concerns the application of tape on raised segment lenses. Basically, a bubble often forms on the lens surface, and- if it isn't pressed out before blocking- there is a spot on the lens that isn't well supported (which leads to an aberration right at the optical center).

Anyway, I'm driving home last night and thought "why apply the tape from the top?" Imagine a lens blocker with a block of pliable, rubber-like material. The tape could be placed on top of the block (with the sticky side up) and the lens could be pressed front down onto the material. Since the front is receiving pressure and is being forced into a pliable surface, the tape should be pressed into conformance on the entire surface.

I find with most of my "new" ideas, there is usually already a piece of equipment out there already in existence. Has anyone seen a tape applicator similar to what I've described (or can you already think of a reason why this wouldn't work)?
