I have a strictly hypothetical situation and it goes as follows . . .say, for instance, a large major optical chain has decided to do away with in-store finishing equipment (i.e. edger). And, in the process, have raised quotas on certain add-on items (i.e., Anti reflect coating, Progressives, etc.). Also, most of the major promotions in middle management have been handed to non-optical individuals. In addition, an entry-level training program set up for non-optical employees has been incorporated; which, by the way, is a basic way of teaching just enough optical knowledge to make them think they are smarter than they are, or make them dangerous. With giving up the in-store finishing, this leaves the optical departments dependent upon turnaround time from a centrally located lab. But given this strictly hypothetical situation, where do you think this company is focusing on the optical versus retail sales business? Would they be focusing on forsaking talented optical people in lieu of having regular sales staff at reduced payroll? Making the optical like a fast-food restaurant, ala carte? Any comments would be welcomed.