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do you want $1000,000

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  • do you want $1000,000

    :bbg: in need of some cash ?:bbg: go here good luck:bbg:


    It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if, by ill luck, people understood each other, they would never agree.

  • #2
    Not a hope in hell.....

    Ha we've more chance of winning the lottery even if you dont play...:angry: :angry:
    Still i guess everbody is entitled to their own view....So long as i can make my own mind up....


    • #3
      Interesting point of view. I wonder where he/she came up with it. Though, they're spouting about us wanting people's money, I notice that they don't give their book away that tells all these secrets we're hiding.

      Suzy W


      • #4
        Am I mistaken or is the little girl in the black and white photo, who I am assuming is supposed to be myopic, wearing convex lenses?


        • #5
          I noticed that, too, Sara. She is definately not myopic. Maybe one of us should e-mail the webmaster!

          "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning." -Catherine Aird-


          • #6
            I think you folks missed the footnote towards the bottom of the page:
            Footnote: Children's eyes can be damaged by prescribing minus lenses for nearsighted eyes or plus lenses for farsighted eyes. While the first condition has by far the most potential for harm, the model used for the above picture is wearing plus lenses. The only reason is that we liked the big-eyed look of plus lenses rather than the small-eyed look of minus lenses.
            You can tell that they are being very scientific about it all.


            • #7
              Thanks Jo, some people might have thought it amusing to let us e-mail the webmaster!! Ooops!

              (whisper) Cindy- I feel silly now, perhaps we need a sight test eh?:hammer:


              • #8
                "IMPA hereby agrees to pay the sum of $1,000,000 (one million dollars) to the first person or persons who submit irrefutable scientific evidence that the concave (minus power) eyeglass lenses routinely prescribed for myopic children do NOT destroy their vision by accelerating the development of their myopia, often leading to detached retina and blindness."
                Sheesh, how many times does it need to be pointed out that you can't prove a negative? For that matter there is absolutely no way anyone can 'scientifically' prove that Santa Claus is NOT real. Or that the Moon is NOT made of a type of chameleon cheese that has all the same physical properties as rock and dust.

                OptiBoard Administrator
                OptiBoard has been proudly serving the Eyecare Community since 1995.


                • #9
                  "chameleon cheese"???


                  ""chameleon cheese"??? BWWWAAAHHH!!! :D I have never heard the words chameleon and cheese put together for said descriptive before. That's great! I'm going to use that if you have no objections? Kind of Sci-Fi sounding.

                  Take care,

                  Darris C.


                  • #10
                    Hmmmm... Ya know, if its the "only book" to describe the damage done by minus lenses, maybe there's a reason...

                    Beginning tonight, I think I'm going to write a book... it will be the "only book" to describe the amazing powers of face cheese to heal Legionnaire's Disease, athlete's foot, and a score of other maladies...

                    I wonder if the webmaster of this fine example of shamology has considered the ill effects NOT wearing corrective lenses might have on the overall well-being of myopic children. After all, when you can't see that 4 ton garbage truck coming down the street, you can sustain quite a bit of grievous bodily harm when it runs over you and your Power Rangers Sport Bike!

                    Sheesh! <-- Mr. Smiley in his pinhole remedial eyewear device...
                    Pete Hanlin, ABOM
                    Vice President Professional Services
                    Essilor of America



                    • #11
                      If you can't sign your name to it then it ain't worth it.

                      I couldn't resist,

                      After reading all the drivel I felt compelled to respond via e-mail to said site. This is what I said:

                      "To whomever or whatever it may concern,

                      I was reading over the information on Myopia and the "myth" therein and had to write a quick note to ask what kind of drugs this "doctor" is on and where can I get some? This is all reminiscent of "Behavioral Optometry." While some of the concepts are not too far from what would be considered acceptable or even plausible on the planet Earth there is nothng definitive about any of this information.

                      Eventually I'm sure there will be at least one or two pieces of information that will actually prove a modicum of the ascertions made regarding prescription lenses and the alleged damage done by them. But I would venture a guess that what is proven will be of no consequence to the actual outcome. Not unlike proving that food left in the fridge will spoil and or mold over time, it's a given, but food left out on the counter will spoil and be inedible in a very short period of time. The slang lingo word "DUH!" comes to mind for that.

                      Now that I have that off my chest I'm going to write my own book and get it published. It will be titled "Stupid People and the Silly Things They Do For Recognition."


                      Darris Chambless"


                      • #12
                        No one was ever damaged by anyone precribing anything. Useing something that had been precribed, maybe but writting it on a piece of paper, no.

                        Now myopes may become more myopic by wearing minus lenses especially if they are over Rx's. I don't believe this, but there is such a theory floating around.

                        Myopes wearing minus lenses can at least see between Rx changes. If they do not wear minus lenses they may not become more myopic but they can't see! Where is the profit in this? A blind minus five is a lot less use than a corrected (seeing) - 7.00!



                        • #13
                          Look at what Clive found on a web search:It looks like besides selling a book, these folks are apparently the self proclaimed "world's largest supplier of pinhole glasses."

                          Now who was it that was out to make a fast buck by selling inappropriate eyewear?


                          • #14
                            Re: &quot;chameleon cheese&quot;???

                            Darris Chambless said:

                            ""chameleon cheese"??? BWWWAAAHHH!!! :D I have never heard the words chameleon and cheese put together for said descriptive before. That's great! I'm going to use that if you have no objections? Kind of Sci-Fi sounding.
                            Hmmm...maybe I should tradmark it! What d'ya think?

                            Chameleon Cheese&#153

                            OptiBoard Administrator
                            OptiBoard has been proudly serving the Eyecare Community since 1995.


                            • #15
                              Re: Re: &quot;chameleon cheese&quot;???

                              Steve Machol said:
                              Hmmm...maybe I should tradmark it! What d'ya think?

                              Chameleon Cheese&#153

                              I would if I were you. It's like "fire sniffer" it's just not two words one would not normally find together but make the only logical point :)

                              Take care big 'un.

                              Darris C.

