Sitting reflecting over my 20+ years in this amazing field, I have had some very loyal patients, I have patients that followed me from my last office of 17 years to the one I have been at for the last 5, even changing doctors after all that time, just because I am here. Some still get their eyecare at the previous office, but come to me for their specs. I guess that is why I have shared some of my discount thoughts and what we have done for fun discounts. I guess the reason this has come to mind is, every year, for the month of December, everyone that purchases from me gets a handwritten Christmas Card, with my business card and a 20% discount card for them, or anyone they want to give it to.

I believe I do my job very well, but I also believe that part of that loyalty is showing I care, when I truly do, especially about their vision, and too some point, about their lives, kids, grandkids, etc.

This is what separates us from those big box cracker jack oh you flip burgers your hired sell glasses kinda places.