Just wondering what you guys may have put in place in your offices for anti-theft / break-in deterrent options. We've been blessed with the same meth head busting in a door to grab a few cheap sunglasses, and generally making a big mess. The idiots always leave the big dollar stuff because well, they're idiots. It's the hassle of replacing shattered door jams, windows, and cleaning up the wood, glass, and fingerprint dust.

We have a camera system, but as with almost all IR types, the images aren't spectacular. We also have an alarm, but it makes a loud, annoying tone but doesn't phone the police directly. In speaking with the PD, they've said even if it did call out, it wouldn't prevent they type of break-ins we've enjoyed recently. Yay.

This first time, a rock was thrown through a window, and then the door crowbarred from inside. This time, a freaking fence post was used to bust through the jam. Ripped out both deadbolt and regular latch. We're looking into a metal reinforced jam, and an additional in-the-floor bolt from the inside as well.

Just thought I'd see what other options some of you might employ - particularly if you're in high crime areas. Thanks!