I have a high plus / high cylinder patient I've been fitting successfully for years in the 1.74 Varilux dual-surface designs (Physio 360 and then Physio W3+). However this year her power has pushed outside of Varilux's range. The Autograph Intelligence will accept it, but I would prefer to keep her out of a full backside design due to the exaggerated prism compromises high-hyperopes suffer in those. Back in the day the Seiko Surmount was a design specifically geared to strong hyperopes, but that was quite a few years ago and there must be better designs for this purpose today. If she weren't seeing great I wouldn't concern myself as much, but she still corrects to 20/20 so I want to give her the best I can. Anyone have a favorite?

+11.50 -6.75 x073 add +2.75
+10.00 -0.75 x032 add +2.75
