Dear Friends, I am looking to purchase and setup my own lens generator, polisher, blocker line, to support my optical shops. Main reason is cost of Rx finished lenses, time, I am located in an island and it takes around 14 days to receive my imported lenses. I already have my own glazing using Nidek 2X Le9000 and 1X Lex1000, I found them to be really reliable compared to essilor kappa, Briot Acurra CX. All the Nidek I bought them used second hand and had no issues with them. I wanted to use the same idea to setup a basic lens generator line and needed your advice on which machines of SatisLoh Vs OptoTech Vs Schneider Vs Coburn has the Nidek /(Toyota as for cars) qualities which is reliable, little servicing needed, value for money, user friendlness and which model u would recommend for lens generator, polisher etc....I plan to outsource antireflection coating to keep cost under control. I don`t mind to buy used if lens count is low.