Our edger is on its way out and we are looking into some options. It was a Weco and it was probably from the turn of the century. We are considering for our needs the Weco E1 2 edger and also the Santinelli LE 1200. It appears the Weco has more features but it costs over 25% less than the Santinelli. The Weco E1 2 has this “gravitech” digital imaging technology so it takes an image of the lens or a frame for the lens to be edge so you don’t need to trace anything. Also the Weco has drill option that the Santinelli LE1200 doesn’t (without purchasing addons). Is the imaging technology better, worse, about the same as an edger with a tracer for those that have used both? Is one better as far as ease of use? Does anyone have any thoughts or experience with these edgers? Thanks