Hello everyone

I'm a long-time lurker, first time caller. Thanks for all the advice that i've already made good use of!

I've been making buffalo and ox horn frames for a while now as a hobby, making gifts for folks. Somehow I've started accumulating orders over the past few months that I'm going to have to make good on soon, so I'm looking at buying a stockpile of 100 or so horn plates for clients to choose from for their frames.

I've been getting the horn from a local supplier here in Scotland. It's been great quality, but expensive. I'm sure my current supplier would be understandably cagey about their wholesalers, and so far from Uttar Pradesh it's very difficult to navigate the tangled web of Alibaba and suchlike. It's nigh-on impossible to get any idea of quality and communication isn't always straightforward.

So in short, does anybody have any recommendations for reliable wholesale suppliers of good-quality Buffalo and/or Ox horn suitable for frame-making?

Maybe a long shot, but fingers crossed that Jerry Huang might see this and offer some wisdom...
