
Brand-New OPTIZONE VERSION 03 Release:
Astounding New Release Optical Store Software lets you run
your office with time saving ease...


Upgraded with new features such as:

- Resolution for Windows XP Enhanced 800 by 600
- Auto search for repeat orders
- Client communication/documentation screen
- Customer tracking
- Inventory sales tracking with department tag
- New tax reports
- Built in order tracking
- E-Mail, direct mail, telephone marketing
- Grid edit on all inventories
- Aged Account Receivables
- Sales commissions with Product Tracking
- E-mail list serving (Create a complete list of client active files)
- Lab Work form on eyeglass orders (Includes back order box)
- Client letter tracking (Letter Log)
- Four stage security
- Additional invoice security for large chains
- Customer invoice itemization print selection
- Multiple store serving
- Practice Analysis (located in Accounting reports)
- Auto find and duplication of last lens order
- Appointment Scheduling

These are only a few things you can do, There
is no limit to the power of this software!!


Download this software by visiting:

Website: www.ezzone.net