I ordered a new pair of glasses for a friend and he had a slight change in cylinder axis.

Old RX
+3.75 / -1.00 x 170
+7.00 / -5.00 x 10

New RX
+3.75 / -1.00 x 170
+7.00 / -5.00 x 7

He clearly had better vision with the new RX but still I only changed the axis to 9° in order not to change too much and I know he's rather sensitive to changes.

New pair arrived today, he says everything looks slightly distorted. He keeps tilting it to the old axis and tells me he sees better that way, even though I know he doesn't.

Checked the power and it's 100% what I ordered.

Is it possible he just got used to the wrong axis or am I going crazy here?