We started freeform and IOT a few months ago. Has been using Innovations too. The progressive we has used are those that adjust the corridor length according to the pupil height. I has been thinking that the ADD should be taken in consideration too specially in those cases of large frames .
Lets suppose a patient with add 1.25 wearing large frame. The pupil height would be more than 20mm and the corridor would be longer than needed. In this cases a shorter corridor would be more appropriate.
I know I have the option of not using a dynamic one and choose a specific corridor length. But the idea of dynamic is more easy in most cases.
What I am thinking of is a dynamic method of choosing corridor length but with the parameter of longest corridor length limited according to the ADD. Maybe for add 1.25 or less a corridor plus reading part not longer than 14mm or so. As the add is higher the corridor would be long.

If that option already exist, please let me know. I ask because i do not know.