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Radio Shack

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  • #16
    Every radio shack should replace cracked phone screens, Every radio shack should have someone that can read a schematic and replace diodes on a board, Every radioshack should be the teaching place of technology.

    Phone repairs
    3D printing
    CNC design and building
    Home automation
    ACTUAL PC repair, not parts swappers.

    RadioShack can be a field trip of learning for the kids. Not just grandpa's shortwave radio, Even grandpa learned radio reception was better online before he died and they lost him as a customer.


    • #17
      My first purchase at Radio Shack was a crystal for a radio when I was a Cub Scout back in the late forties followed by numerous electronics project kits. I built a Heathkit signal generator and oscilloscope in high school. Bought a ton of vacuum tubes and cards of resistors and capacitors. When the transistor and SCR's first came out I was there to experiment.

      Well I guess kids don't do those things today. As a result we are filling our engineering schools with foreign students and are having a tough time maintaining a leading technology position in the world.

