Ok here is the thing. I have heard many times that some opticians/optometrist mostly German use distance PD for reading glasses.

At first sight this is complete nonsense but when i dig deep it makes sense. Im curious about your opinion + any reference site about this topic would be great.

So lets say we have a myopic patient. Most of them are wearing glasses for years before they come to presbiopic age. When a they look at near they "create" prism base IN witch help them to converge and on the other hand their own convergence may become weaker after some time. If you make reading glasses with deducted PD it will be something unknown for them and they might have trouble adapting or might not adapt at all couse there is no prism helping them.

On the other hand we have hyperop. If they are wearing glasses for quite some time they are use to converge because of base OUT prism (when looking at near objects) so why to change that ?
If they are not used to wear glasses their convergence should be fine and therefore they are able to converge if we make base out prism.
The only time when you should use near PD (only in hyperop) is when they have insufficient convergence or they are wearing glasses at the end of their nose...

I would realy like to hear some comments about this topic since i cant find anything about it on the internet and here on the forum but I heard about it many times from my felow optometrists.