I just got this e-mail from the executive secretary of our association (It came from Bev Harper in Alaska):

Well it probably had to happen sometime. Unfortunatley it happened here and now. Our current licensure is being obliterated. We are
going from having to be licensed and to have that licensee on the premisis whether it's an OD's office or Lenscrafters, or an independent
optician, to a vaugue definition of supervision that can be interpreted to be a phone call away. Meaning we find out that as long as there
is an Alaska license of some sort, (OD, MD, or Optician) one person can supervise as many locations and people as they want. The
experience required goes from 6,000 hours to 1,800. The practical test has been taken away completely and the only test required is
the ABO/NCLE. We are still unclear as of yet whether contact lens fitters such as myself will be accused of practicing Optometry
without a license or not. Basically the only people that will have to be licensed are independent Opticians. There is a new definition
called "Opticians assistant", that basically says any license can delegate any task to an "Opticians assistant" as long as the licensee takes
reponsiblility for those peoples actions. IE voluntary licensing for everyone but a independent Optician.

:cheers: Jerry