ALBANY — Records released today show that Charles O'Byrne, Gov. David Paterson's top adviser, did not fully pay his delinquent tax bills until just this week.
The records also show O'Byrne paid a total of $293,000 in back taxes, penalties and interest to the state and federal tax agencies — far more than the administration had earlier revealed.
A payment of $3,641.85 was recorded to the state tax department just on Wednesday, according to documents released this afternoon by his Manhattan lawyers during a briefing with reporters.
O'Byrne, who wields great authority over state agencies, including the tax department, failed to file his state and federal tax returns for 2001 to 2005. He did not file his 2002 to 2005 returns until December 28, 2006 — just three days before his boss became lieutenant governor.
O'Byrne blamed clinical depression for his failure to file taxes. His lawyer, Richard Kestenbaum, blamed what he called "non-filer syndrome" that he said affects some otherwise functioning taxpayers.
This is from the Buffalo News, and about another politician who has created a brand new disease. It is the "non- filer syndrome", or just an excuse to not pay taxes. Every day its another city, and another rip off of the American tax payer. Lets all try that this year, and see what happens. Please vote.