Hi everyone;)...this looks like a great informative site. This is my first time posting on this site, but hopefully someone can help me out.

We were in the process (end of 2007) of signing up as Medicare non-par providers. So during the application process we were still seeing MC pts, collecting our usual and customary fees and telling them once we get our provider # (which finally arrived 4mo later ) we'll courtesy bill for them and any reimbursements from MC will go directly to them. This actually worked for the exam portion billing...

But for DMERC and glasses after surgery, they are telling us MC won't pay because dispense/service date was prior to receiving our supplier number. This whole MC stuff is so new to our office that we just found out about this ABN form. So during the applic process we didn't have anyone sign an ABN. Now these claims that we put through with dates prior to getting our supplier # are being denied and we're supposed to refund the pt.

Is that right? If they're going by disp/service DATES then on those DATES we weren't OFFICALLY providers? Did we still have to get the ABN signed? If we do need to refund their money can/or should we ask for the glasses back?? Or they just got a pair of free glasses from us?

So sorry this is so long winded but if anyone can help i will be so grateful!
Thank you:)