What does anyone know about SRP? From what I understand the procedure is only being preformed in Canada and Mexico but the company is seeking FDA approval and a clinic is ready to go in New Jersey, US. Here is the link:They claim that presbyopia is not caused by a hardening of the crystalline lens but from an enlarging of the lens that causes the lens to push on the cilliary muscles. The muscles then become unable to contract and relax because they no longer have the room to pull and the lens looses its ability to round up and increase its power. The surgical procedure, SRP, involves implanting 4 bands of PMMA below the sclera to expand the diameter of the sclera causing the distance between the sclera and the lens to increase, so that the effective working distance of the muscle increases. They also claim the SRP may reduce intraocular pressure and be a treatment for Open Angle Glaucoma.

Anybody have anythoughts on the procedure?