Don't guess I rightly know what a legislative vote costs in my state - don't rightly care.

Obviously when I said something about storming the capital steps I was talkin' ina metaphor. Now I'll give you another one.

Remember the Hebrew story about David and Goliath? Now this is not an exact quote or translation but my take on the story.

David said, why are you guys afraid of this big guy? Just go out and fight him, you have a promise of help.

So David decides to go and fight the big guy but the establishment said you can't go out there without the proper defensive and offensive accoutrements. David tried them on and said, this does not fit. This ain't me. This is not what I do.

So he went out "naked" with what he did know and do and what he had practiced and won the day.

Buying votes is what the Big Guys do. We gotta have a different way. You are right, we will never win if we try to do battle with their kind of tools.

Something more homey, more natural for us, more "what we do" would be in order - nevertheless it most likely will involve some money; something which opticianry in general has been unwilling to give for any cause.