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Sick time

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  • Sick time

    I need help

    On Wednesday I turned my foot before I went to work. When I got to work I told my employers what I did. The response was sorta ok ha ha. By noon my foot was the size of a grapefruit. I hobbled down to my regular doctor's office and asked what to do. They wanted xrayed to make sure I hadn't broken it. I hobbled back to the office and told my boss what she said. he said that we were too busy to have me gone for the xray and see if I could schedule for after or before work? Needless to say I had no time to call my doctor's office to rewrite the order to another place for the xray :o . When I got home my husband was to say the least furious. I was in incredible amount of pain and nothing made it better. The next day I tried to address the prblem of the day before and my boss got a little mad that I was upset. I explained to him that it was still swollen and that I should have put myself beofre the office and gone to the er the day before. He then said he allow me to take the beginning of the morning off the next day to have it xray'ed. Needless to say my doc was not happy about this, nor would she had been happy if I'd gone to the er. WE are a three person office. I do all the optical work, checking in and out. Cl classes, and anything else they might think of. Here's the problem, my foot is broken(found out Friday)and now I am concered about what they are going to do if I have to be out. There is not flexiblity for me at all even though I have sick days. Should I just put up and shut up or make a move?

    All your help will be appreciated

  • #2

    Screw the office and care for yourself. If your boss can't take compassion for you when you are in obvious need of medical attention, look for a new job. They have no recourse against you when you take time off for legitimate medical reasons. Yours
    definately was!!! I would ask your MD if the break will set as well now since you waited. (because your boss made you) If not address this with your workplace. This is a typical "We have a business to run!!!" attitude. Your personal life and well-being comes first. The way they treated you was unacceptable and I imagine you won't forget it. I know I wouldn't. If you are as valuable as you say you are to them, then one of two things 1) they don't have a choice but to listen and accept your needs or 2) another employer would be thrilled to have you.

    Come to Canada!!!! I will give you a job and treat you right. :bbg: :bbg: Good Luck either way.......Mullo


    • #3
      Unbelievable!!!! :angry:

      If I were you I'd get as far away from this jerk of a boss as I could. This guy makes Dilbert's pointy-haired boss look like a Saint!

      You should never put up with this kind of treatment from any employer. And as loathe as I am to recommend people resort to lawsuits, I would definitely keep this option in mind.

      Good luck Christina!

      OptiBoard Administrator
      OptiBoard has been proudly serving the Eyecare Community since 1995.


      • #4
        Stay away

        Well seeing as you got your foot / leg in a pot you cant go to work :D . If he gets funny about you not coming in tell him you have contacted your lawer and he thinks you have a good case to sue.. And seeing as he stopped you from getting it fixed straight away you will be away for much longer than would have been had it been sorted on wed.
        Enjoy the break now :hammer: (no pun intended)

        ps. :idea: a good use for the pot when it comes of is to shove it where the sun dont shine, of course refering to your star ?? boss.


        • #5
          Christina, It's hard to imagine the insensitivity of some folks! Just amazing! Hope you're ankle heals soon. Al.


          • #6
            If I were you I would update my resume. BS with these places thinking you are supposed to be there every minute sick or not. Yea and then what happens??? I will tell you a story of what recently happened to me from a wonderful retail chain that I used to work at...I never took a sick day, or any day off for that matter. I had accumulated 127 hours of sick pay. I got sick one day at work and told my boss I had to go home early and she said ok BUT if you need to call out you must have a doctor's note or else I will NOT accept it as a sick day...I was the only person she told this to btw. So when after 3 long years with this company of never taking a sick day off and putting up with LOADS of corruption way beyond anything I have ever ever posted on here...I called my district manager and he made me a deal...they were going to reward my loyalty and pay me for my sick hours that I never ever took....well I find out later that supposedly he can not make this kind of deal with me and that no they will not pay me that time. So basically the moral to my story is no matter how loyal you are and no matter how hard you work they really don't care about you they just care about the business. Look out for yourself because believe you me your employer will not give a rat's *** when something happens to you...but then if you needed sx because of neglecting the immediate attention he/she would be willing to replace you because you are no longer "helping" their cause which is the business. TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!! If you are ever put in the position where your job comes before your health you chose your health you can ALWAYS find another job.
            Sorry I know how bitter and resentful this sounds, but it is funny how I haven't had a problem with my stomach since I left!! HMMMMMMM......coincedence??? I think not!!!



            • #7
              I'll make this short & sweet.......I would tell them to F*** Off


              • #8

                Stephanie, Did you ever get anything for your sick time owed? What was the companies policy on sick time. I know our company will pay hourlies out half of unused sick hours and carry over the rest to the next year. ( 6 days per year sick days paid) Just curious. It could add up to a pretty penny. Maybe even enough for you to visit Vancouver.................Mullo :bbg: :bbg:


                • #9

                  All I have to say is.....:drop:

                  I have worked in a 2 staff and 3 staff office before, both times with OD's. They NEVER had compassion and ALWAYS made you feel like shi- if you called in, even if it was rare. Bottom line, MD's treat you the best. Update your resume. When you do, there is a book called Cover Letters that Knock Em Dead, it's great! It gives outlines and examples of great cover letters, as well as great resignation letters! Get out of that office as fast as you can! I have a feeling this Doc will have lots of turn over, if not already!


                  • #10
                    Yes I have to agree that since I went to work for the MD life is much better although not bliss!! It seems they understand "sick". I am sorry Christina I got so caught up in being PO that I forgot to tell you I hoped you felt better. No, Mullo never got a dime for the sick time. I was also supposed to get personal time and residual vacation and they did give me a check (after hours of fighting and arguing) but it was for a lot less than it was supposed to be. How the hell is little ole average me supposed to fight with big ole corporate giant? You always do get to talk with someone who "understands exactly how you feel however" yea however they are out for themselves and if that means replacing you so be it. They would rather have idiots who call out all the time and treat customers like dog ****. See my reasons for leaving wasn't that I didn't like the job, there were MAJOR reasons. It just makes me so mad because it makes you feel that you are so unimportant. You aren't even a person just a number and that is what kills me. They were so hell bent on trying to get me to stay...maybe out of fear I don't know but it is awful funny how the one thing that I told them would keep me they wouldn't do and honestly she really needs to be fired!:bbg: People get sick people need sx, have car accidents etc...who is your employer to get mad??? This same girl at my old job twice I worked 12 hours shift because she got sick and had to leave but the day I needed her all she could say was it wasn't her fault I didn't know how to read my schedule and she refused to help. Yea they like to tell you how much you mean to them and that these co-workers are your "family" with family like this I would have disowned them long long ago!!! Sorry don't really mean to go off but this subject really hit a super sore spot with me.


                    • #11

                      It sounds like you got caught in the land of micro management or in many cases micro mis-management. It is the creature that is earning the big players their profits in the current economy. My bet is that the type of micro managing these companies are doing right now is going to end up being their downfall.

                      Everytime a company tightens its fist, experienced employees decide to quit. I am sure they will be still be able to make a profit with an increasingly unskilled workforce; however, the public will come to realize that the people fitting and making their glasses have no clue what they are doing. Just enjoy the satisfaction in knowing that the less experienced their workforce becomes the higher their shrinkage due to remakes and returns will become. Then we get to keep all of the folks that won't go back to them.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by pedseye
                        I have worked in a 2 staff and 3 staff office before, both times with OD's. They NEVER had compassion and ALWAYS made you feel like shi- if you called in, even if it was rare. Bottom line, MD's treat you the best...........
                        I have a feeling this Doc will have lots of turn over, if not already!
                        I've reread the original message and I can't find anywhere that Christina said that her boss was an OD.

                        Nonetheless I'm always troubled when I read such things as 'all ODs are bad' or 'all MDs are good'. The truth is that there are good and bad people in almost all professions. I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences with ODs, but fortunately I've know quite a few good ones over the years.

                        Maybe you need to get out more often! ;)

                        OptiBoard Administrator
                        OptiBoard has been proudly serving the Eyecare Community since 1995.


                        • #13
                          I'd first shop for a new job. Then, see yaaaa. You and nobody else needs that from an employer.


                          • #14
                            No I didn't mean that all OD's are bad by any means I was simply comparing the MD to the other job I had. Believe me I have nothing against OD's in fact the OD from my last job is still my best friend and I owe her my life. Please don't misunderstand me!
                            I was actually comparing to corporate life since I didn't work for the OD. If I had my life would have been much better than that working for a retail chain.



                            • #15
                              Your boss needs to know that you hae sustained an injury that may have caused you to be temporarily disabled. And he may be contributing to the injury if you should have an accident at work that could have been avoided if you had been allowed to seek medical care. He may also be compounding the condition by not allowing you to get medical attention.
                              That's called contributary negligence.
                              He may be liable. He must also be stupid. Who would want an injured person working and possibly putting himself and the employer at risk.
                              Get medical attention, then get a new employer, then get a lawyer!

