Any one have experience with this type of scenario?

53 yr. old Pt. has been wearing -3.50 od, -4.75 os, +200 add. New refraction reveals pt. will see 6/6 w/ -3.00 od, -4.00 os, +2.00 add. Pt. sees "much clearer" w/ new Rx. Owever she can't wear them as her os feels extremely strained. Optician can't find any mistakes in fabrication. Dr. re-refracts pt 3 more times and Pt. is consistent in preferring new Rx. Optician recommends writing new Rx as od -3.25, os -4.50 w/ add +2.50. Pt. must be used to being overminused hence the need for a higher than usual add for someone in that age group. Any thoughts? Thanks ahead for any replies.