From time to time a patient will arrive with deep welts on their thin skinned nose that are undeniably in the area of their glasses. These patients, for no other reason than bad luck, are nearly always disasterous contact lens patients. If glasses are necessary (and you can't talk them into a monocle ;) ) what can you use to improve the situation. This is what I think I know on the subject:

1. Ensure nosepads are properly adjusted.
2. Use larger nosepads.
3. Do whatever is possible decrease weight of lens and frame.
4. I believe there are pads available to make kind of a sling between the nosepads to further distribute weight (if anyone knows of a product...).
5. A properly fitted adjustable bridge pad-less plastic frame may be better.

Please correct me and add your own wisdom on this subject. In my particular situation I am stuck with a selection of only 5 different frames (all metal with the same nose pads). (I am in the military.)