I am sure you have noticed that I have been b****** about our "education" and "continueing education" includes non of this. Seems almost all of it is on the latest and greatest progressive, or coating.
I have been to a lot of courses on catarct surgery, refractive surgery and the like all of which was neat but virtually useless to an optical dispenser.

I will be happy to share what I know and prehaps we could get in touch with those countries and organisations that still teach opticianry and compile a book, bunch of tapes, CD's, DVD's or something to preserve the knowlege.

Sometimes I think we are in the society presented in Rollerball where only a few corporations have all the knowledge and do everything, present it to the "consumer." No libraries, no books, only a liquid insane computer storing knowledge. Everyone else, sells, distributes, and buys period.
