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    Anybody know how much they pay an hour a lab tech with 2 years experience in Ohio ???


    OptiBoard Administrator

    OptiBoard Administrator
    OptiBoard has been proudly serving the Eyecare Community since 1995.


      Ehllo, Yolanda.

      I don't know about Ohio, but I can give you a rough idea.

      I was a lab tech about 11 years ago with a major chain. I started @ $6 per hour (Canadian) (with a wife and kid to feed... woe was me).

      I then went retail. Typically, the Money is in retail, plus you do get customer interaction (if so inclined).

      Another example. After about 2 years, my girlfriend (who is no longer in the industry) was making about $8 Can. in the lab.

      After about 5 years in, as a 'lead tech' she was up to $12 an hour.

      Of course, it depends on your abilities, (as opposed to disabilities- ie: breakage) as to what you get paid, as well as standard of living in your given area, and the benevolence of you employer...

      Yolanda, I don't know you, nor you aptitude, but I am going to tell you the same thing I was told when I got my Optician's license.

      My manager, mentor and tormentor (Miss ya, Brian) took me to the office, congratulated me on my attainment, and then told me to go look for a job.


      He said that for me to get my raise, I was to go and shop myself around, get a feel, and come back with a price.

      The rest is history.



        Check out the list of memebers and find some people from Ohio that are on this sight.. I know I remember seeing a few names from there..then just drop them a E-M :-)

        Jeff "do'n the bump" T


          Yolonda, salaries are almost always negotiable. Learn how to negotiate, you will be amazed at the results. There are books and course on this subject widely available. Because an employer says no right away does not mean that you will not obtain the position. I once negotiated a salary and working conditions for 3 months. The result was i obtained wbat i wanted. Try it, you,ll like it...Harry

