This post is only coming after a debate in my shop when a doctor that works for me was adamant that Naturals and Comfort lenses are entirely different. I chose to disagree only on the basis that back in 1997-1998 when I was introduced to Naturals and began ordering them. At that time something odd happened, I would receive boxes with "Essilor Naturals" clearly labeled, only to find "Varilux Comfort" lenses inside the box.
Confused, I contacted my buyer who in turn contacted the rep at the time for Essilor whose response from the factory was this...they were the same lenses in every sense with the exception of the stamping of ink and markings. A step further in explanation from the tech at the factory indicated that the lenses were all cast from the same molds, and at the end of the production run, they were boxed some incorrectly.
Has anyone else run into this, I would love to learn the truth whether they are indeed the same or entirely different.
Confused, I contacted my buyer who in turn contacted the rep at the time for Essilor whose response from the factory was this...they were the same lenses in every sense with the exception of the stamping of ink and markings. A step further in explanation from the tech at the factory indicated that the lenses were all cast from the same molds, and at the end of the production run, they were boxed some incorrectly.
Has anyone else run into this, I would love to learn the truth whether they are indeed the same or entirely different.