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U.K. Supermarket Chain ASDA May Add Optical in Stores

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    U.K. Supermarket Chain ASDA May Add Optical in Stores

    From U.K. Supermarket Chain ASDA May Add Optical in Stores Volume: 15:12 Issue: 6\28\01
    U.K. Supermarket Chain ASDA May Add Optical in Stores LEEDS, England--One of the U.K.'s largest supermarket chains, 240-unit ASDA, reportedly is considering putting optical departments inside its stores. ASDA executive Martin Sayer said a checkout and inventory technology being installed in the stores could allow the company to add specialty products, including optical, to the ASDA supermarkets.
    I believe some time ago someone from the UK asked about franchising in the US and opticals in department stores and the like. It looks like the same concept is growing in the UK.

    What do you guys think about Optical Shops in supermarkets?

    They already are opening an optical in my local. They have recruited mostly non-optical staff, it should be noted :)


      BTW, ASDA are now owned by WalMart, to give you an idea where it's headed.


        Home on the range

        Ah Leeds is asda head office.
        Also very close to me :D
        I do believe that they already have some stores operating now, seen the job adds....
        It seems that this could be the way forward but just wait for the backlash from the inderpendent shops out there. Also i think sola got the contract to surface there lenses, seem to remember posting about this before.

        Maria did'nt your establishment used to run a optical outlet in asda?


          checkout and inventory technology being installed in the stores could allow the company to add specialty products, including optical, to the ASDA supermarkets.
          Does that mean you would get to put the frames, a case, cleaner contact lens solution and etc. on a conveyor belt, scan them with a hand held and then a bag person asks if the patient wants plastic or paper bags?

          Sorry, even though that isn't the case it is just the mental image I got from reading that line.
          Last edited by Joann Raytar; 06-28-2001, 07:37 PM.


            Supermarket Optics ???

            One of the large optical chains were playing with the idea of setting up "Self Serve" dispensaries in K-Mart stores here in Australia. I haven't heard any more about it lately, but it would not surprise me if they did go ahead.

            It may actually be a good idea as it will bring more business to me after the patient has been mucked around by them.


              "Self Serve?" Did they say anything about how they would go about that?


                Jo you can already buy your contact lens soluition form supermakerts and get it scaned at the checkout (but we only get plastic bags) :cry:
                Interesting thought, get your eyes tested on the way in autorefactor of course pick up your ticket, do shopping them when you get to the checkout hand the ticket in the lady shouts into the intercom specs for no xxx (person hides in shame) someone runs ?? out with them ready to be scaned you pay and walk home....
                I can just see the problem specs not ready so you have to wait at the checkout with everbody behind you moaning because you are holding them up :hammer:


                  I think as qualified eye care providers we have got to help ourselves a little here. I think some sort of public awareness campaign to educate people as to who they have the choice of seeing and what the difference is between qualified and non qualified staff. Some optical assistants are very capable and I personally work with some that I would happily entrust my family dispensing to, But how many people present hospital rx's and childrens rx's and actually ask for a qualified optician,as is their legal right.People are not aware!


                    We have been talking about just that very same concept here on OptiBoard over the last few weeks. That is what the newly formed Opticians Council is about. Defining "qualified opticians" to the public and getting them to request service from qualified professionals.



                      Originally posted by louise
                      But how many people present hospital rx's and childrens rx's and actually ask for a qualified optician,as is their legal right.People are not aware!
                      When you say ask for a optician, do you mean just to dispence their glasses?
                      would this not be better done by a dispencing optician.
                      If this is what you do mean then i think we should go back to the having only fully trained persons able to dispence speticales to the public not just anyone who thinks they can do it.


                        different titles in differnet countries

                        Hi John, In Canada there is no difference between Optician and
                        Dispensing Optician. You must be licenced to dispense eyeglasses to a customer. I think it is all in the international terminology.....Mullo ;)


                          world of diffrence

                          This is where its get confussing as here in the UK we have Opticians who test you eyesite (they can dispense as well) but by far the most is done by Dispensing Opticians Who cannot legaly tes your eyesite but are trained to do it. Also you used to have to be licensed to dispense but they stoped that a few years ago, a step backwards if there ever was one.


                            Re: Welcome

                            Originally posted by John R

                            When you say ask for a optician, do you mean just to dispence their glasses?
                            would this not be better done by a dispencing optician.
                            I think what Louise is getting at is that U16 and complex dispensing can only be done by a registered DO, which is why the 'bucket' shops shouldn't have kids frames. Most members of the public (in fact, I would go as far as to say all non-optics people) don't realise this.


                              Re: Supermarket Optics ???

                              Originally posted by Corey Nicholls
                              One of the large optical chains were playing with the idea of setting up "Self Serve" dispensaries in K-Mart stores here in Australia. I haven't heard any more about it lately, but it would not surprise me if they did go ahead.

                              It may actually be a good idea as it will bring more business to me after the patient has been mucked around by them.
                              K-Mart actually started a few locations here in VA and in North Carolina. They were using some kind of kiosk affair that would allow a customer to measure their own pd's and then select frames and lens options from a computer. The finished eyewear could be picked up in the pharmacy department. The VA State Board for Opticians ruled that a Pharmacist was not an Optician and required that they cease business. I think the same think happened in NC. Prior to that, LensCrafters operated "Sight 'n Save" locations in K-Marts. That concept also died a quiet death.
                              It's been a while, so if my memory of this stuff is incorrect, chalk it up to age.

