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OptiBoard Main Sponsorship Opportunity

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    OptiBoard Main Sponsorship Opportunity

    OptiBoard has an opportunity for a new main sponsor beginning immediately.

    For those of you who may not know, I started OptiBoard in 1995 and since then it has grown into the largest online site for eyecare professionals in the world. With over 27,000 registered Members and 514,000 posts the OptiBoard forums have become the most widely viewed online resource for information in the industry.

    In addition to general eyecare related topics, OptiBoard also includes a Marketplace forum for the buying and selling of ophthalmic equipment and supplies, a Jobs Board forum for posting help wanted ads and resumes, an Ophthalmic Optics forum for more the more technically adventurous and specific forums dedicated to the products and services offered by our associate sponsors.

    OptiBoard has also grown into a place where people in the eyecare industry meet, and over time many OptiBoarders have developed both professional relationships and personal friendships through the Community.

    If you have an interest in becoming an OptiBoard sponsor, please let me know. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and consider this.


    P.S. I have already turned down an online retailer as a sponsor. It would be nice if the eyecare industry would support OptiBoard as much as much as OptiBoard supports them.

    OptiBoard Administrator
    OptiBoard has been proudly serving the Eyecare Community since 1995.