For the first time in thirteen years, there is an opening for a Main Sponsor for OptiBoard, the world’s oldest and largest online community of eye care professionals.
OptiBoard has grown so much over the past fifteen years, and our community has evolved into something really special. (If you are an “OptiBoarder” you already know this). In fact, the truth is that at this point I don’t even know how to put a value on something like this, so I’ve decided to open the Main Sponsorship up for bids and let the community decide. Therefore, this is to announce that I am accepting bids for Main OptiBoard Sponsor. The Main Sponsor would receive some great benefits, including, but not limited to:
- The Main banner on all currently non-sponsored forums and OptiBoard pages.
- An additional banner placement in every thread
- A new forum dedicated to your products and company and moderated by your personnel
- Sponsorship notices and link in the footer of every page
- Sponsorship notice in the majority of emails sent by OptiBoard
- Ability to post news items, articles and events directly in the appropriate sections of OptiBoard
I am also open to other ideas that would make sponsorship an even better value and I welcome potential sponsors to discuss your ideas with me. Let’s talk about how we can work together to make sponsorship of OptiBoard the best way to spend your advertising dollars.
If you have an interest in becoming the Main OptiBoard sponsor, please send an email with your bid to: smachol <at> optiboard <dot> com. Please be sure to identify the company, what other ideas you may have and submit an opening bid.
I will provide further information as requested to those with a serious interest in supporting the largest and oldest online community of eyecare professionals in the world.
OptiBoard has grown so much over the past fifteen years, and our community has evolved into something really special. (If you are an “OptiBoarder” you already know this). In fact, the truth is that at this point I don’t even know how to put a value on something like this, so I’ve decided to open the Main Sponsorship up for bids and let the community decide. Therefore, this is to announce that I am accepting bids for Main OptiBoard Sponsor. The Main Sponsor would receive some great benefits, including, but not limited to:
- The Main banner on all currently non-sponsored forums and OptiBoard pages.
- An additional banner placement in every thread
- A new forum dedicated to your products and company and moderated by your personnel
- Sponsorship notices and link in the footer of every page
- Sponsorship notice in the majority of emails sent by OptiBoard
- Ability to post news items, articles and events directly in the appropriate sections of OptiBoard
I am also open to other ideas that would make sponsorship an even better value and I welcome potential sponsors to discuss your ideas with me. Let’s talk about how we can work together to make sponsorship of OptiBoard the best way to spend your advertising dollars.
If you have an interest in becoming the Main OptiBoard sponsor, please send an email with your bid to: smachol <at> optiboard <dot> com. Please be sure to identify the company, what other ideas you may have and submit an opening bid.
I will provide further information as requested to those with a serious interest in supporting the largest and oldest online community of eyecare professionals in the world.