There are a few other utilities you might find of interest Clive. Both are available at "zdnet". The 1st is CACHEMAN (helps manage your cached data and memory), and the 2nd is RAMpage (it frees up memory and runs in auto mode and manual). The CACHEMAN program comes in 2 flavors - one for IE and the other for Netscape.
PS to Steve - you're right Unix is much more powerful and the learning curve is a bit rough. I was neck deep in that and Oracle before I left my last job. Kinda glad i don't have to learn more of it.
[This message has been edited by JRS (edited 06-17-2000).]
PS to Steve - you're right Unix is much more powerful and the learning curve is a bit rough. I was neck deep in that and Oracle before I left my last job. Kinda glad i don't have to learn more of it.
[This message has been edited by JRS (edited 06-17-2000).]