Hey guys once again I'm coming for help, well more verification that my online detective work/research is at least in the ball park.
Back story: We had a Hoya lab rep come in the other day talking about the 50% off sale they are having at their lab. The Doctor goes nuts and forgets to ask the basic question of "50% off what?". So I'm going through and comparing apples to apples. (I hope)
Here is what I have so far:
MyStyle is about the Auto 3
InStyle is on par with the Auto 2
From what I have read the InTouch is almost a mixture of the MyStyle and InStyle with no compensation.
The LifeStyle seems to be a front molded digital they are passing off as freeform. Possibly with a tech that is like Verilux's Duel Wave Front. So the closest I can think to compare it to is some of the Seiko or my labs back side digital.
Array is on par with the Spectrum.

Have I missed anything on this, or am I crazy misinformed like the rep implied?
For comparison they have the line up like this:

MyStyle = league of it's own (you know like all of the top lenses. That makes me wonder how many leagues there are out there.)
InStyle = S4D
LifeStyle 2 = and I quote "Difficult to compare with anything on the market due to the unique characteristics"
Array = Auto 2&3 and the S series by Verilux
Summit ECP iQ/CD iQ = Spectrum, Phyiso, GT2, and Comfort enhanced