I'm a little brain-locked on this.

If we are talking about free-form single vision, or digital single vision, or individualized single vision or whatever we call it, what would be the most technically correct way to communicate what we want?

If, for example, we ask for digital surfacing for a sphere, we may get a spherical curve. If we ask for free-form surfacing of a sphere, we may get an aspheric design.

If we ask for digital surfacing for a sphero-cylinder, we may get a sphere front surface. If we ask for free-form surfacing of a sphero-cyl, we may be communicating the request for an atoric.

So, I ask, should we specify:

1. spherical design vs. aspheric or atoric design
2. digitally vs. traditionally surfaced?

For example: -1.00-1.50x 090
"Please provide a digitally-surfaced atoric SV design"
"Please provide a traditionally-surfaced spherical design"
