Good Morning!

I have an optomoligist who loves interesting prism!!

Today I got this RX -1.75+1.50x135 +2.50
-1.50+1.50x050 +2.50
Prism OS only 4 Base down @dist 2 Base down @near.

The lab said it's not possible unless you use 2 BU in the near press on.
Would it be possible to use slab off to make this possible??

Thanks in advance for any help...this is my first post...been a stalker for years!:)

The second RX I got from here was PLO+0.50x135 +2.50 4BO distance only
-0.50+1.25x020 +2.50 3BD distance only
again??? Don't think I can keep it out of the near! ??