Two years ago I opened our shop representing five major frame companies with their various divisions. In the meantime I have developed good relationships with some reps and discovered others who have proven to offer substandard service and/or products.

The problem is that several of the reps have gone to other companies and now are after my business. Although I like the rep and the service they provide, I can not always find a place for their new product in our shop. Likewise, reps who have not met my expectations in the past are taking on some frame lines which have been proven sellers. Since we are physically, economically, and demographically unable to offer all of their frames I must choose between the performance of a frame line and the service offered by a frame rep and the company he/she is with. RESULT: I now have a ton of frame reps after my time and retail real estate to merchandise their product.

Unfortunately, in the past few months I had to turn away some great reps with product that I know wouldn't work in our environment and welcome reps I am not so fond of who have taken their place.

I certainly don't consider business to be a popularity contest with frame reps but know this is the nature of the beast. I would like to hear how other folks deal with this issue and/or how frame reps would like to be considered under the mentioned prevailing circumstances.
