I'm just wondering how everyone else handles this problem....I've been an optician/manager for a total of about 12 years...I left the field briefly a few times but always managed to get sucked back in because it's what I know, it's what I'm comfortable with, and honestly, it's because I like what I do. But after this last stretch of about 5 years at the same place, I'm becoming really burnt out on this job. When it comes right down to it, I really do enjoy what I do. My employer offers great benefits and pays well, the hours aren't as bad as other places I've worked in the past, and I realize that it really could be a whole lot worse....but my main problem is that I'm just tired of dealing with the public. It's the same stories day after day (you all know what I'm talking about) and it's getting so that I actually dread seeing paying customers walk in the door. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you cope? I hate the idea of getting out...but I'm wondering if I should start thinking about it. My job can be so rewarding and so interesting and so much fun at times, and I'm having a hard time remembering that lately. Any suggestions? Any stories about how you overcame this? I'd really appreciate anything anyone could offer here....thanks!