I recently came across a concept that perhaps many of you already knew about. It is an idea derived from Ernest Hemmingway. Apparently he once challenged someone to write a complete story in only six words.

I believe the person he challenged came back with the following:

"For sale; baby shoes, never worn."

I am not sure if that is a "complete" story but those six words certainly say a lot. The idea has been put into a book and a web site, (www.sixwordmemoir.com)

here you will find other examples covering a wide variety of topics. For instance on aging you will find:
"Seventy Years, few tears, hairy ears"
or on divorce:
"I still make coffee for two"
On the 1960's? "My first concert:Zappa. Explains everything"
On education: "Recent Doctorate means overeducated and underemployed"

In a recent magazine article, one writer challenges his readers to try to write similar 6 word stories that fit uniquely to their work industry.

So, Optiboard members might write:
"Good Skills, Bad attitude, hire anyway"
"Bought it, but they didn't come"
"Never mind, I'll do it myself"
"they charge what? I'll match it!"

Anyway...you get the idea. I think you guys are more creative than I am. Have fun! I am especially looking forward to Pete's go at this!
