We had another one yesterday - a patient who's ophthalmologist told her to go find someone to make her a "clear polarized" lens for night driving.

I thought back to a previous recent discussion on night driving lenses, A/R, tints and the need for increased clarity and comfort in low light / night conditions. There still seem to be a huge number of websites and companies that are trying to promote a "night driving" lens in a variety of tints and densities - ironically, almost none include an A/R lens.

As the world wide web is sometimes likely to do, I found some good and some rather wild and obscure information pertaining to the ways we humans have tried to combat the issue of glare from oncoming headlights in the past. This one from late 1940 was a favorite of mine:


I instantly thought of the Art Bell show! :bbg: I'm sure they protect against alien mind control rays, and the horrible chromatic aberration of poly lenses everywhere! LOL

While the concept is strange at best...at least people were still thinking and working to find a solution to a problem! :cheers: