Hi All,

I'm a consumer need some advice on progressives. I am toward the end of my 90 day trial of Definity progressives. my script is:

R: P, -.50, Axis 106
L: +.25, -.50, Axis 89
with a 2.5 add for reading

My main problem with the lens is "drop off" in the peripheral distance vision. That is, I have to crank my head and point my nose at an object to see clearly in the periphery, otherwise if I just turn my eyes, the object is in soft focus. This is annoying when driving. Less of a problem is the difficulty in finding the sweet spot for reading and mid-range, although that has got better over time.

My optometrist recommended switching to Varilux Physio, and my optician is willing to do that, as she has had the same complaint about peripheral distance vision from two other people who were fitted with Definity lenses. However, she also said that one person gave her the feedback that with although with the Physios the peripheral was better, the mid-range became narrower and the reading stayed about the same.

Does anyone have experience with these two lenses and could you give me some advice. I would really appreciate a second opinion from another professional or an informed consumer who perhaps has had experience with both of these progressives. Thank you so very much!