Welcome to the OptiBoard Speakers Bureau forum. The rules for this forum are as follows:

1. If you are a speaker and want to be listed, please send an email to smachol@optiboard.com with the following information:

- Name
- Photo (optional) - JPG format no larger than 150 width x 225 height
- Contact info (minimum email address and phone number)
- Brief background and qualifications
- Professional Credentials
- Courses
- References (optional)
- Sponsorships

2. To keep this consistent in appearance, I will post all the Speakers info in a new thread.

3. Comments and feedback about each Speaker are allowed, but only if the poster includes their real name and location. Anonymous feedback is not allowed.

4. Please limit any replies to direct feedback and comments regarding the Speaker and course you attended. No 'chit chat'! :)

Thank you!