I try to watch the previous night's episode of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" whenever I can. It's entertainment, and I love Jon Stewart.

One thing I particularly admire about him is the way he puts some tough, legit questions to his guests. No one is spared. Just the other day, he ran Joe Biden through the ringer, asking questions that Joe kept giving roundabout answers to (like he did in the campaign). Yet when he didn't get a straight answer, he'd say, "But Joe, that's not what I'm asking".

One particularly good interview he did with Lou Dobbs the other night, actually extended another 20 minutes, which they had to put on the internet due to the show's half-hour time slot. I was impressed by what Jon had to ask, questions that are on everyone's mind, presented in a succinct manner, and Dobbs was forthcoming. The main topic concerned the madness that has seemingly descended upon the American people. Issues ranging from the way the Bush administration handled things, to the current health care plan being bandied about, the interview covered a wide range of topics.

If you'd like to watch the interview, it's in a 3 part segment. I thought it was great, and the humor and good-natured tone of the debate makes it fun to watch.


