The question was about frame requirements!

If you are in a rural location it is true that you don't have to buy any frames at this time. Each Lux Rep has a list of what is considered rural areas. That however does not mean you will never have to buy frames. When you start making claims you may be asked at that time to buy!

You must display 150 frames at all times. If you are not seeing many lives. This may not be strickly enforced but agian if you do see lives you will be asked to carry them!

I have accounts in rural areas and I have them add 10 or 20 board spaces each visit so they won't get Zonked when the are asked to fill the buckets.

The deal on the table right now is 150 frames 10 free and 8 Months to pay. No bill for 3 months the 5 split bills. Plus if you pay by the 10 of each month you get 2% prompt pay for each month. (This deal could end at any time)

If you are a current ECPA member you can also get a sample fund program. You buy 100 frames 12 month dating and get 50 Pre-selected frames that you must replenish or adjust from time to time. This deal ends Oct. 12th

I hope this helps !!!