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ReStor lens for cataract surgery

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  • #16
    I am sorry you are having problems with this lens. My Mom had her left eye done with it 8 days ago. At first her vision was blurry, but now she says the distance is sharp. The near is getting sharper, but is still not perfect. The doctor told her it could take a couple of weeks for the near vision to clear up.

    She goes back in 5 days to have it checked and if all is well will have the right eye done the next day.


    • #17
      [QUOTE=jmbeam]I made the mistake of my life going with Restore lens. I had one cataract and had both the lens in my eyes. Theproblem started when after the first one was inserted . A day before the second one was to be surgically placed my Physician says OOPS I didnt know that ALCON did not make a lens in the strength that my eye required!

      I'm not exactly understanding what you're saying. It sounds as if you had the first Restor IOL implanted in one eye and that went OK. Then you needed it in the second eye and they did not have a lens available in that power? If you don't mind my asking; what is your prescription? Unless you have an extremely long or short eye the Restor lens should be available. I am, therefore, assuming that you must have an extreme prescription for which Restor is not available. If that's the case then I agree that they should have known that before. However, I have a feeling that you will be very satisfied after the Lasik. We are beginning to realize that a good percentage of Restor patients may need to be supplemented with Lasik to get the really perfect results. Most Restor surgeons (such as myself) are mentioning this upfront and offering a sharp discount in the Lasik if it is absolutely neccessary postop. I am hoping that most of my patients will be perfectly happy without the neccessity of additional Lasik; however, it is only fair to warn them upfront.

      By the way: Restor is not about the money. Even though there is more money involved it is mainly about offering multifocal vision to patients. I have seen the look on patient's faces when they can see distance and near without glasses after 50 years of dependence. I think that's it's the next evolution in the IOL.


      • #18
        After reading all these posts I have some doubts. If the MD would answer some questions for me. I am having surgery in about two weeks on my left eye. My night vision is scary!! My right eye with my glasses on is just great. I think the Dr. said I had a +.75-2.00 in this right eye. He wants to wait a week after the first to do a second cataract surgery on the right. He says I have a small cataract on it as well. My question is if it is not ready yet why do it?

        As far as the IOL standard my parents had theirs done in their 60's. They are both very happy with this plan. They still wear eyeglasses for reading. Only one problem my dad had was after awhile I do not remember the time frame he had to have a lazer on one eye because he saw cloudy. They fixed that. Of course they did not have the MF implants then. I was looking at a article on the web and it said that some patients wanted the MF removed and the standard put in because of multiple images at night. So why are the doctors pushing a lens that would cause problems when the standard is okay? I for one like to wear glasses. My MD told me I would have to wear sunglasses anyway!

        What is the cost difference for a standard implant vs. the MF implant?


        • #19
          I think this is very similar to the contact lens options. Robert Martarello made some excellent points concerning the use of clinical trials to support Restor and other multifocal IOLs. You have to look at the patients in the trial. Many have other pathology such as macular degeneration. Also, many have reduced demands. For a 75 year old with a less demanding lifestyle, they may be ok. But, my observation, based on feedback from real patients is that they may be able to perform relatively well on Snellen acuity tests, they are not very happy. Again, just like the multifocal contacts, Snellen doesn't fully measure quality of vision. I see lots of patients read 20/25 or 20/20, but state "it just doesn't look clear". When I ask them if they would go that route again, they generally say no. "I would rather just use reading glasses".
          I'm a very active 51 year old myope. I've tried the various contact lens options and there is no way I could live with the compromises of the multifocal lenses.
          The bottom line is that this technology just isn't ready for widespread use. With carefully selected patients and adequate pre-op discussion there is a place for them, but the technology is far from mature.
          For now, conventional implants are the best bet for a more active, demanding patient in my opinion.


          • #20
            The trials only include patients without pathology. this is why sometimes they may be BETTER than what the clinicals find


            • #21
              After a cataract procedure I was told that at times a capsule forms on the eye that creats havoc with ones sight. This condition can be easily taken care of with a Yag laser. Is this true and if this occurs in my eye is it a condition that a Physician really has to look for to see it or is obvious? I am concerned for a couple of reasons. Thanks for any input on the subject.


              • #22
                Be of Good Cheer.

                Usually the patient notices the vision going South, similar to cataract development (sometimes misnomered as a "secondary cataract). If no the practioner will catch same during routine follow-up or yearly exams. This occurs in 50% of cataract patients. And be not dismayed the laser zaping takes about 5 min, no recovery time and you walk out of the office seeing again.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by chip anderson
                  Usually the patient notices the vision going South, similar to cataract development (sometimes misnomered as a "secondary cataract). If no the practioner will catch same during routine follow-up or yearly exams. This occurs in 50% of cataract patients. And be not dismayed the laser zaping takes about 5 min, no recovery time and you walk out of the office seeing again.

                  Does the patient need to have his/her eyes dilated for the MD to be able to see this?


                  • #24
                    I doubt dilation is needed but it would give the doctor a much clearer view of what he was looking at. What difference does it make if the doctor needs to dilate him or not, dilation is not major invasive surgery.


                    • #25
                      Does anyone know how much a cataract surgery costs? I have no insurance and I am too young for medicare!


                      • #26
                        A lot less than trying to make a living blind.


                        • #27
                          FUNNY! Seriously do you know the amount?

                          Originally posted by chip anderson
                          A lot less than trying to make a living blind.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by acredhead113
                            FUNNY! Seriously do you know the amount?
                            Hey Chip. Just thought you would like to know. I am no longer unable to see with my left eye. I see great! The out of pocket cost for the procedure was $825. I have no insurance and I have no medicare benefits since I am underage!


                            • #29
                              Look I just paid $8000.00 for shoulder surgery. Why because I need my right arm to make a living and for other things. It's a lot of money but I would loose a lot more not useing my right arm.

                              Since when do we have to have some third party paying all our bills. $825 is what 10 days pay? And you don't have to go through rehab for a cataract.

                              If you had insurance you would have paid a lot more for the premiums, so pay for the surgery. Unless of course you don't really feel seeing is important.



                              • #30
                                [QUOTE=chip anderson]Look I just paid $8000.00 for shoulder surgery. Why because I need my right arm to make a living and for other things. It's a lot of money but I would loose a lot more not useing my right arm.


                                I really am saddened that you had to have shoulder surgery! I hope you will recover soon!

                                Since when do we have to have some third party paying all our bills. $825 is what 10 days pay? And you don't have to go through rehab for a cataract.

                                I think our insurance programs are overrated!! Yes I would rather pay it out of my pocket. It is less!!

                                If you had insurance you would have paid a lot more for the premiums, so pay for the surgery. Unless of course you don't really feel seeing is important.

                                The most important thing is seeing do'nt you think!! Good luck on your recovery

